"Fighting Foreclosure in the 21ST Century"
- Introduction
- Does This Mean I'm a Bad Person?
- I. What is loan to value and what does it mean to you?
- A. How to calculate LTV.
- B. What does it mean?
- II. Credit scores and how they affect you.
- A. FICO scores explained.
- III. Understanding the foreclosure process.
- A. Definition of Foreclosure.
- B. The process explained.
- IV. Answers to questions.
- A. Can you explain bankruptcy?
- B. What is a short sale and how does it help me?
- C. Can you explain interest rates and points?
- D. What is a HUD settlement statement?
- E. What does "redemption period" mean?
- F. What does "notice of default" mean?
- G. Can you explain a "sheriff's sale?"
- H. If evicted, how long do I have before I must vacate? How can I stall the process?
- I. What do I do, now that I have received a "notice of foreclosure?"
- V. Workout possibilities for those facing foreclosure.
- A. Refinancing options, even with bad credit.
- B. Second mortgage.
- C. General reinstatement.
- D. Forbearance.
- E. Declaration of bankruptcy.
- F. Short sale.
- G. Sale/leaseback.
- H. Out and out sale of home.
- I. Contract for deed
- VI. Useful websites.
- A. Free legal information.
- B. Finding an attorney in your state.
- C. Expert foreclosure bailout lending.
- D. Mortgage calculator.
- VII. Summary
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NOTE: Rent to Own Homes are also referred to as lease purchase, lease to purchase, lease to buy, rent to buy,
lease option, rent with an option to buy, lease to own, lease with option to purchase, and rent with option to
purchase. HomeRun Homes is the premier website for Rent to Own Homes.