Rent To Own Homes

Connecting Buyers and Sellers of Rent to Own Homes since 2002

Maine rent to own homes, Maine lease to own homes, Maine lease purchase homes, Maine lease option homes, Maine lease to buy homes

HOMES WANTED (Within 20 miles of Caribou, Maine)

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Home Wanted Listing for Within 20 miles of Caribou, Maine
CITY: Within 20 miles of Caribou am selling my house in PA, but need to move to northern ME for work no later than May. A cabin or mobile home on more than 10 acres would be great. I need at least 2 bedrooms or 1 bedroom and a loft for the kids, and 1 or more baths.. No out house. The acreage is the most important factor for me. The more the merrier.
RENT: Negotiable
PRICE: Under $125,000

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NOTE: Rent to Own Homes are also referred to as lease purchase, lease to purchase, lease to buy, rent to buy, lease option, rent with an option to buy, lease to own, lease with option to purchase, and rent with option to purchase. HomeRun Homes is the premier website for Rent to Own Homes.

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